Terry Toffelmire's Blog

For all my friends and family, here is a place where you can go to catch up with my life... and for me to post pictures.

Sunday, February 18, 2007


We've started fostering some dogs for a local rescue organization called ARF (www.arf.ab.ca). Here is our first foster Dog - we named her Yasha (means saved/rescued in Hebrew). She was a really nice dog! They ended up finding her real owners, so she was only with us for a week or so.

Here is the dog we have right now. This is Cora. Cora is such a loving cuddly dog. She lost an eye somehow. We think maybe she was protecting one of her 7 puppies. Her and Guinness are starting to get along, and we are hoping that Guinness will start to actually like her soon.
If you know of anyone looking for a dog... send them to www.arf.ab.ca to find out more about ARF, and see the dogs they have for adoption!!


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