Terry Toffelmire's Blog

For all my friends and family, here is a place where you can go to catch up with my life... and for me to post pictures.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A day to remember

I am home from work today (a Wednesday), and usually I'd be happy for a sleep in day, but today I'm home to go to Tim's Grandma's funeral - Issabelle Massie. I didn't know her very well, but do know that she was loved and will be missed by her family. Here are some pictures that I have with her, that are special to me.

She loved our dogs (especially Guinness)! Here is Grandma and Jaeger on the first weekend he was with us.
We were so happy to be able to share our wedding with her, and both my Grandma's. The photo's with the Grandma's are some of my favorites, and I will always treasure them.


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